Lessons from Early Career Teachers- How to Set Up your Classroom

Every teacher can probably remember the tumultuous mix of excitement and fear they felt when they had to set up a classroom for the first time.  Often early career teachers look to their colleagues with more experience for advice on the best way to approach the task of designing a rich and engaging learning space.  In this piece an early career teacher offers some advice that even the most experienced teachers might find helpful based on her experience setting up her own classroom in preparation for this school year.

Click here to read How to Set Up Your Classroom from Scratch by Mahima Lamba

This blog post originally appeared in the BC Early Career Teachers’ Association (BCECTA) newsletter.  BCECTA is a PSA devoted to supporting new and early career teachers and TTOCs.  A one year member is $15.00 for TTOCs and $30.00 for teachers with contracts and includes newsletters, access to resources, professional development and support.  BCECTA is hosting a conference on the October 21 Professional Development Day.  For more information visit www.bcecta.ca.

screen-shot-2016-09-27-at-10-38-26-amMahima Lamba is a second year Delta teacher and a participant in Delta’s Teacher Mentorship Program.  Last year she was involved in the TTOC mentorship cohort both as a participant and as part of the planning committee.  This year she will continue her professional learning by participating in the program for teachers with contracts. Mahima is an excellent example of one of BC’s many engaged and energetic early career teachers.  Click here to hear Mahima speak about her experiences as a first year teacher at the 2016 BCTF AGM.