Announcing the publication of “Bliss and Blisters of Early Career Teaching”

A new Canadian resource has recently been published providing a unique collection of 40 educators writing about the “Bliss and Blisters” of early career teaching in different provinces and territories. The book is the first of its kind to provide a pan Canadian view on the experiences of new teachers, and the diverse mentorship programs, school systems and policies that aim to sustain our early career teachers.

British Columbia is represented in this publication with an article about the New Teacher Mentorship Project written by Anne Hales (BCTF) and Alison Davies (NTMP). Tashi Kirincic  has authored an article describing the vision and growth of Delta’s mentorship program. The book also includes comics depicting stories of BC teachers taking up their work in different regions of BC. submitted by UBC Researchers Ching-Chiu Lin, Julian Lawrence, Amber Lum and Rita Irwin.

“Bliss and Blisters of Early Career Teaching” summarizes important research conducted by the editors resulting from a pan-Canadian survey of new teachers, and a review of research literature investigating contextual factors that affect early career teachers.

This is a fabulous new resource that reflects the unique perspectives and diversity of mentorship and induction across the educational landscape of Canada.



Click here for a summary of the book.

The new publication is available at at the following link: