Teacher Mentorship BC (TMBC)
This network of lower mainland educators from school districts and post secondary institutions meet 3 times a year to advocate for early career mentorship and share information and resources. Learn more…
Network on Innovation and Inquiry (NOII)
The Networks of Inquiry and Innovation (NOII) is a voluntary, inquiry-based network of schools in British Columbia, Canada. Established in 2000 and funded by the BC Ministry of Education, the NOII is designed to improve the quality and equity of education in BC through inquiry, teamwork across roles, schools and districts, as well as a focus on applying coaching forms of assessment to assist learners to take greater ownership of their learning.
EdTech Mentorship Network (ETMN)
A hub for BC School District lead mentors to share links, resources, and communities in one accessible spot. Visit website
Rural Education in BC
- Linda Farr Darling (UBC) discusses the unique challenges beginning a teaching career in a rural community in BC. Watch video
- The Rural and Small Schools P.S.A. can provide support if you are new to a teaching position in rural BC. Visit website
- ruralteachers.com highlights innovative projects that rural BC students and teachers are engaging in. Visit website
Teach BC
The BCTF has launched TeachBC, a new website and online database for teachers to find and share teaching resources relevant to the BC K-12 curriculum. Visit website