Monthly archives: September 2016

Lessons from Early Career Teachers- How to Set Up your Classroom

Every teacher can probably remember the tumultuous mix of excitement and fear they felt when they had to set up a classroom for the first time.  Often early career teachers look to their colleagues with more experience for advice on the best way to approach the task of designing a rich and engaging learning space.  In this piece an early career teacher offers some advice that even the most experienced […]

2016 Mentorship Summer Insititute

  “The presentations were amazing . . . the conversation that happened around each activity was simply the best as it made me feel challenged and reflective.” (Participant Feedback)   The third Mentorship Institute was held at UBC in early July.  This year’s Institute, titled Leading Together: Sustaining Mentorship, Strengthening Teaching, brought together 80 educators to continue building a provincial network of leaders in service of teachers new to the […]