Teacher Mentorship BC Network Meeting, January 2015

Teacher Mentorship BC Network_2_headerDate: Monday, January 19th, 2015

Time: 8:30am – 12:00pm (breakfast and coffee provided)

Location: Winslow Education Centre, Gallery Room
1100 Winslow Avenue, Coquitlam BC


Please RSVP your attendance to Anne_Hales@sd42.ca by January 14th for catering and planning purposes.


Please consider and bring any materials, reports, notes, brochures, etc for the following roundtable discussions topics:

  • Building a case for mentoring in your organization: what data and evidence do you gather and share to evaluate, inform and advocate for your mentoring programs and initiatives (participation, efficacy, curriculum)?
  • Communication tools, strategies and structures: how do you inform beginning teachers, potential mentors and organizational ‘allies’ (e.g. school board, senior management, union local) about teacher mentorship?
  • Mentoring on a shoestring: what are your strategies, approaches and ‘hacks’ for finding funding, managing resources, and dealing with the realities of inadequate funding in your daily mentoring efforts?

We will also devote part of our meeting doing a ‘mid-year’ assessment of where our various mentoring efforts are at (with some guiding questions and categories) to help create action goals for the coming months.

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