
Explore the new Teach BC site for current teaching resources

  The BCTF has launched TeachBC, a new website and online database for teachers to find and share teaching resources relevant to the BC K-12 curriculum. The clean and intuitive interface makes surfing for BC relevant learning material easy. You can search by subject, grade level, resource type, title, description, and language. Open to the public and designed to meet the BC curriculum, TeachBC offers a virtual arena for BC educators […]

Why are New Teachers Leaving the Profession? Results of a Canada-Wide Survey 1

Thierry Karsenti and Simon Collin (2013) focused on new teachers who leave the profession in Canada in a recent study. Using a questionnaire targeting drop-out teachers and other education actors who witnessed the events surrounding the teachers’ resignation, the research objectives were to: 1) determine professional aspirations to enter the teaching profession; 2) identify the main reasons for new teachers to leave the profession; and 3) identify the individuals to […]