Natalie LeBlanc

Conference Videos

Panel video – Meet the panel participants from the Mentoring Conference and hear why they care about mentorship.

Maureen Dockendorf – Ministry of Education

Glen Hansman – 1st Vice President, BCTF

Monica Pamer – Superintendent, Richmond School District

Linda Farr Darling – UBC Faculty of Education

Melody Li – Mentor teacher, Coquitlam School District

Nancy Hinds – Moderator

Glen Hansman video – Glen Hansman, 1st Vice President of the BCT,F addresses ongoing collaboration and partnerships in BC.





Professional Capital: Transforming Teaching in Every School. Andy Hargreaves and Michael Fullan

This is an excellent text for those interested in systemic change that puts teachers and teaching at the forefront of the change process. The book explores what if means to “teach like a pro” and how to strengthen the ‘human capital’, ‘social capital’ and ‘decisional capital’ of teachers within the education system. It supports mentorship as the building of collaborative cultures and provides models of these cultures drawn from the consultative work of the authors across the globe.



Mentor: Guiding the Journey of Adult Learners. Laurent A. Daloz, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 2012 (second edition)

Since its original publication in 1986, this book has been highly recognized as a definitive work in the field of adult education. It’s publication sparked the renewal of research, interest and inquiry bringing mentorship into practice within modern educational institutions. The writing is founded in development theory, exploring how individuals can work more effectively to improve the quality of another’s educational experience. The book offers insightful vignettes and conversations between teachers and learners, offering mentorship as a shared journey of deepening understanding of self and other.