Yearly archives: 2017

Powering Up Practicum: 2017 UBC Round Table

The UBC Faculty of Education is hosting the 2017 BC Teacher Education Round Table May 11-12.  This is conference is an opportunity for teacher-educators and inservice educators and leaders to connect and discuss how teacher candidates can be best supported on their journey to becoming inservice teachers.  Highlights of the conference include a keynote address from UBC-Vancouver’s Dr. Tony Clarke and  the ABCDE Symposium: Aboriginal Recruitment and Retention in Teacher Education on […]

The New Teacher Mentorship Project: making a difference for BC teachers

“Previous to the project there was a lot of great work happening in mentorship, but it was happening very much through individual districts that were able to target specific funds towards mentorship, and so, the effort has been to really move it into a provincial coherent approach.” Alison Davies (NMTP Coordinator) The New Teacher Mentoring Project (NTMP) is moving into it’s fifth year.  The project began in 2012 with 3 […]

Teaching Here: Peace River North School District 60

For teachers in BC, the “times are most definitely a-changing”. The population growth of school-age children is increasing and hundreds of boomer teachers are taking retirement. WorkBC (Government of BC 2015) projected that 24,900 teaching positions will open up between 2015 and 2022. Add to that the recent agreement to restore teachers’ collective agreement language, which will bring thousands of new teachers into classroom and specialist positions in BC school […]