Monthly archives: March 2016

New Mentorship Workshop now available through the BCTF workshop program

Mentorship: Building an Integrated Community of Practice  Length: 3–5 hours  Audience: This workshop is intended for school union representative teams, as well as groups of teachers interested in developing effective mentorship programs in their locals.  Booking: Please click here for information on how to book the Mentorship workshop. Workshop Description: Participants will explore mentorship as a way to build a collaborative culture within schools, locals, and/or districts. The workshop provides […]

Synergy to the Rescue by Heather Johnson

by Heather Johnson, SD 37 Secondary Gifted Coordinator Being a part of the district teacher mentorship program is one of the most rewarding and inspiring roles in my professional life. During the past 3 years I have connected with inspiring mentor colleagues, followed ever-widening paths of professional and personal inquiry learning, participated in and co-presented at professional development opportunities with our fearless leader, Tashi Kirincic, and worked closely with ever-so-talented […]