Yearly archives: 2015

What is the best teaching resource? A teacher mentor!

If this is your very first week teaching as a certified professional teacher, welcome to a wonderful profession. Perhaps these are your first days teaching in a new district, if you recently moved communities. Or you may be teaching a new grade for the first time, a new curriculum area, or exploring new teaching strategies. A life in teaching is full of new beginnings and changing circumstances. Our colleagues are […]

A New Network for New Teachers: The BC Early Career Teachers’ Association is born!

A few years ago a Coquitlam teacher teaching on call wanted to join a Provincial Specialist Association but wasn’t sure which one to join. There were a lot of great options, but as a TTOC and teacher who found herself in and out of temporary contracts in a variety of subject and grade levels, she wasn’t sure where she belonged.  She decided to reach out to other teachers about creating […]

Summer Mentorship Institute 2015

The first hot, hot days of early July brought 60 educators and 30 school districts together for the second Mentorship Institute at UBC. The Institute was sponsored by the New Teacher Mentoring Project, the provincial initiative of the BCTF, UBC and the BCSSA and funded through the Ministry of Education. Arriving mostly in teams of two, educators made the journey from all regions of the province to learn about educative […]