Provincial Mentorship Resource Team (PMRT)


PMRT Members’ Page

About the PMRT:

PMRT Members' PageThe Provincial Mentoring Resource Team (PMRT). This is a team of 15 educators/mentor leaders drawn from all regions of the province. Team participants are trained to expand the reach of the New Teacher Mentoring Project, enable the growth and development of new mentorship programs, and strengthen mentoring practice in BC districts/locals.

In collaboration with the NTMP advisory committee and staff, the PMRT is a network (a group or system of interconnected people with a common vision and purpose), that are able to:

  1. promote and advocate for the development of quality induction and mentoring programs across BC
  1. consult with district/locals and co-facilitate the design, development, implementation of mentorship programs
  1. facilitate mentor/mentee training.

The Collective Values of the Provincial Mentorship Resource Team:

The work of the PMRT is rooted in place and culture, meaning that we;

  • engage in deep scanning in order to understand.
  • value each situation as complex and unique
  • purposefully check for assumptions and biases
  • clarify why the PMRT has been engaged, and what is being asked of our role.
  • encourage decision-making based on evolving, situated needs.
  • focus on manifesting desired outcomes identified by the groups we work alongside
  • design for sustainability
  • bring an important perspective as outsiders to the internal dynamics of a district and local, and provide an important role in identifying shared purpose, values and vision.
  • trust team members to contribute to the growth of our collective work and collaborate to enact and learn together.
  • are guided by the voices and feedback of the mentors, new teachers and mentor leaders with whom we work
  • do not own the solutions but facilitate the means to find solutions

Developed by the PMRT team, October 29, 2016


To connect with the team, please:

  1. Select your region on the map below.
  2. Click on the link.
  3. Email one of the contacts.